Do you live in Georgia and are looking for a career to start or a school to attend? For those interested in a challenging and rewarding profession, there is the field of dental assisting. Dental assistants enjoy relative job security and a great standard of pay. In addition, there are many dental assistant programs throughout Georgia where it is possible to study and receive accreditation in the field.
The number of schools students can attend in Georgia are plenty. Because there are so many different schools statewide, it is easy for would-be students to find a place where they enjoy or need to be in order to succeed in their studies. Future prospects will find that the admissions offices at these dental assistant schools are ready and willing to help them with the information they need to begin studying.
Students will also find that the courses of study offered at these dental assistant schools in Georgia are top notch with instructors, classes and resources that will prepare them for a career in dental assisting. Learning takes place in a variety of different settings, depending on where you study, such as in a classroom or lab setting. Some dental assistant programs even offer online learning in one form or another.
Upon completion of a program, which can last anywhere from 6 weeks to one year, students are eligible to sit for the Certified Dental Assistant certification exam given by the Dental Assisting National Board. Although not necessary for work in Georgia, this certificate often means greater job prospects and higher salaries. Students can also study longer and achieve an associates degree, which even further increases their attractiveness in the field of dental assisting.
Pay will vary from office to office. That being said, the average salary in the industry is around $35,000 per year. With degrees and accreditation, the figure is higher. Start your search today.